Appling Grays

Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 918

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The Appling Grays, Past and Present

The Sons of Confederate Veterans is a fraternal, nonprofit organization of descendants of Confederate Veterans. The S.C.V. is not affiliated with, nor in any way linked to, any other organization. It is not political, nor is it sectional. It strives to give to the world, and especially to its own fellow Southerners, an understanding and appreciation of the Southern people and their brave history. Of the awesome sacrifice their ancestors made in defense of their conscientious convictions. Of the high regard in which those ancestors held the rights of the individual, and the primacy of state's rights as opposed to an overriding central government. Of the continuing need to stand up for the immutable values of honor, justice, and Christian virtue.

All male descendants of those who served the Confederate cause in the Confederate Army, Navy, or in the civil government of the Confederate States of America, and who were not dishonorably discharged. Candidates for membership must be at least twelve years of age, and must provide proof of their Confederate lineage -- either direct or collateral ancestor -- on an application blank furnished by the Sons of Confederate Veterans Organization.

The Appling Grays, Camp #918

The Appling Grays camp serves the area of Appling, Bacon, and Jeff Davis Counties in Georgia. Our membership consists of proud sons of the South, including bankers, judges, farmers, industry workers, and elected officials. We have members across southeast Georgia and from as far away as Maryland and Florida.

Members of the Appling Grays are active in the community, giving presentations at local schools and to other civic organizations. We have supported the Baxley Heritage center and local libraries with monetary support and donations of books. Our most rewarding activity has been the marking and registration of graves of local Confederate veterans. As of this date we have placed markers on over 100 Confederate Veterans graves in Appling and the neighboring counties.

The latest project of the Grays is the placement of a monument to the Confederate Soldier and his wife who “Sacrificed All Save Honor” on the courthouse lawn in Baxley.

Last Modified 05/23/2018